climate change social impacts sustainabilty innovation

Willkommen bei NISANSA – 
ein BMBF-Verbundprojekt der Philipps-Universität Marburg und der Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen.
Wir ergänzen die Klimawandelforschung um regional- und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven und nehmen dabei den Globalen Süden in den Blick.

***SAVE THE DATE: die zweite internationale NISANSA-Konferenz als transdisziplinäres Forum und in Zusammenarbeit zwischen NISANSA, ARUA und TSITICA am 13. und 14. März in Kapstadt, Südafrika.
Titel: 'Pathways of change in the social response to climate change in unequal societies in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America'

Die Frage adäquater sozialer Reaktionen auf Klimawandelfolgen ist eine der zentralen Herausforderungen für die Zukunft.

Das Verbundprojekt NISANSA ergänzt die Klimawandelforschung um regional- und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven und nimmt dabei den Globalen Süden in den Blick.
Das Projekt untersucht, mit welchen Klimawandelfolgen die Gesellschaften des Globalen Südens (südliches Afrika und nördliches Südamerika) konfrontiert sind, welche Potenziale, darauf zu reagieren, bestehen und welche Auswirkungen dies für den globalen Norden, Europa und Deutschland hat.


Globaler Süden im Fokus



Südliches Afrika (Angola, Botsuana, Malawi, Mosambik, Namibia, Südafrika) 


Nördliches Südamerika (Brasilien, Ecuador, Kolumbien, Venezuela)

  • Mit welchen Klimawandelfolgen sind die Länder des globalen Südens konfrontiert?
  • Wie thematisieren sie den Klimawandel und seine Folgen?
  • Welche sozialen Konsequenzen resultieren für diese Regionen und welche Möglichkeiten und Potentiale existieren darauf zu reagieren?
  • Mit welchen Praktiken, Programmen und institutionellen Strukturen wird den Klimawandelfolgen begegnet?
  • Welche Praktiken nachhaltigen Handelns entstehen dabei (Nachhaltigkeitsinnovation)?
  • Und was sind die Folgen für den globalen Norden, Europa und Deutschland?

Diese Fragen untersucht das Verbundprojekt zwischen der UMR und der JLU in transregionaler und vergleichender Perspektive ausgehend vom südlichen Afrika und dem nördlichen Südamerika. Ziel ist es, fundiertes Wissen über die sozialen Konsequenzen der Klimawandelfolgen in diesen Regionen zu generieren. 

Das Projekt will damit die aktuelle Klimaforschung systematisch um regional- und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven ergänzen: die Klimaforschung ist vornehmlich durch naturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven und statistische Klimamodelle geprägt. Bei Klimawandel handelt es sich aber nicht nur um klimatologischen und ökologischen Wandel, vielmehr impliziert er politische und kulturelle Antworten und gesellschaftliche Transformationen.

In insgesamt sieben Teilprojekten (SP) geht das interdisziplinäre Verbundprojekt zwischen der Philipps-Universität Marburg und der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen seit Juli 2021 diesen Fragen in Ländern des südlichen Afrikas (Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mosambik, Namibia, Südafrika) und des nördlichen Südamerikas (Brasilien, Ecuador, Kolumbien, Venezuela) nach.



März 2022

Policy Advice Strategies for Climate Change Adaption in International Cooperation with Malawi and Namibia

Sara Lüttich & Matthias Rompel
Teilprojekt 7


21. April 2022, Windhoek Namibia

SASSCAL to celebrate 10 years of excellence in climate change research

1. NISANSA Symposium

21. April 2022

Das 1. NISANSA-Symposium findet am 11.07.2022 in der Philipps-Universität Marburg statt. Weiter Informationen folgen in Kürze.

We are on Instagram
Hello from subproject 3! We are realizing an international NISANSA-Classroom in Marburg.
To transform global power relations, such maps are only a first step. In terms of methodologies and perspectives, postcolonial approaches have already changed a lot in the academic world. Still, the funding logic of many research projects in Germany continues to prevent collaborative international research on an equal footing, as the majority of positions and travel funds are reserved for the German partners.
In order to counteract this, we invited our international team from Brazil, Mozambique and Colombia to join us in Marburg, this time. Together, we will hold a class on our findings, methods  and research elaborated during our NISANSA project. 
In the following weeks we - Dr. Eliana Teles Rodrigues, Jemusse Abel Ntunduatha, Alexander Rodriguez Contreras and Dr. Michaela Meurer - want to take you along our joint class. 
We will present you our central class topic, student perspectives and key learnings of all participating researchers.
Come along and acompany us on our international class journey in Marburg! #nisansadialogue #nisansaconnections

Hello from subproject 3! We are realizing an international NISANSA-Classroom in Marburg.
To transform global power relations, such maps are only a first step. In terms of methodologies and perspectives, postcolonial approaches have already changed a lot in the academic world. Still, the funding logic of many research projects in Germany continues to prevent collaborative international research on an equal footing, as the majority of positions and travel funds are reserved for the German partners.
In order to counteract this, we invited our international team from Brazil, Mozambique and Colombia to join us in Marburg, this time. Together, we will hold a class on our findings, methods and research elaborated during our NISANSA project.
In the following weeks we - Dr. Eliana Teles Rodrigues, Jemusse Abel Ntunduatha, Alexander Rodriguez Contreras and Dr. Michaela Meurer - want to take you along our joint class.
We will present you our central class topic, student perspectives and key learnings of all participating researchers.
Come along and acompany us on our international class journey in Marburg! #nisansadialogue #nisansaconnections

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The Asociación Integral Campesina de Tunjuelo, Dintá y San Ignacio, located in the municipality of Gámeza, Boyacá, was created to improve food security. 
Each farm has small greenhouses with food plants. 
They are currently starting to plant live fences with trees that provide organic matter to the pastures and at the same time they imagine it as a biological corridor that in the future will allow the fauna and vegetation of the high and middle zones to find a habitat to live in #nisansaactions; #nisansamethods

The Asociación Integral Campesina de Tunjuelo, Dintá y San Ignacio, located in the municipality of Gámeza, Boyacá, was created to improve food security.
Each farm has small greenhouses with food plants.
They are currently starting to plant live fences with trees that provide organic matter to the pastures and at the same time they imagine it as a biological corridor that in the future will allow the fauna and vegetation of the high and middle zones to find a habitat to live in #nisansaactions; #nisansamethods

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In the La Ortiga Natural Reserve (southern Nariño-Colombia), the Muellamués Indigenous Reservation is protecting water sources. There, the Pumamaki Indigenous Association has sought to recover the soils, previously over-exploited, by planting seedlings in strategic areas. 

They state that "it has been a constant learning process" because initially they also planted species with invasive potential, but now they only propagate and plant native species in different arrangements. 

Their interest is to measure the changes that these practices have generated in the ecosystem by monitoring biodiversity (plants and birds) and the effect on their recovery. #nisansamethodologies; #nisansaconcepts; #nisansaactions

In the La Ortiga Natural Reserve (southern Nariño-Colombia), the Muellamués Indigenous Reservation is protecting water sources. There, the Pumamaki Indigenous Association has sought to recover the soils, previously over-exploited, by planting seedlings in strategic areas.

They state that "it has been a constant learning process" because initially they also planted species with invasive potential, but now they only propagate and plant native species in different arrangements.

Their interest is to measure the changes that these practices have generated in the ecosystem by monitoring biodiversity (plants and birds) and the effect on their recovery. #nisansamethodologies; #nisansaconcepts; #nisansaactions

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Solutions to deforestation from rural schools

Actions of subproject 1 are part of the School Environmental Project (PRAES in Spanish) of the Sagrado Corazón Educational Institution, which monitors a restoration area created during the "Sustainable South" Project funded by UNDP in 2018.

This is an optimal scenario to study the impacts of deforestation, as well as the changes in climate cycles and their effects on the socio-ecosystems of páramo and high Andean forest. #nisansaconcepts; #nisansamethods; #nisansaactions

Solutions to deforestation from rural schools

Actions of subproject 1 are part of the School Environmental Project (PRAES in Spanish) of the Sagrado Corazón Educational Institution, which monitors a restoration area created during the "Sustainable South" Project funded by UNDP in 2018.

This is an optimal scenario to study the impacts of deforestation, as well as the changes in climate cycles and their effects on the socio-ecosystems of páramo and high Andean forest. #nisansaconcepts; #nisansamethods; #nisansaactions

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Local inhabitants of the paramo and cloud forest areas of the Colombian high mountains have been carrying out actions to restore these ecosystems degraded by changes in land use and variations in climate.

Today we want to present the second experience, with the Los Machines Collective and its Colombian High Mountain Living Library. 

With the monitoring of biodiversity in the ecological restoration zone, infinite rooms continue to be opened to enter and read the landscape and its ecology. Students from schools, members of the indigenous council and universities in the region learn there.
#nisansaconcepts; #nisansadisciplines, #nisansamethodology

Local inhabitants of the paramo and cloud forest areas of the Colombian high mountains have been carrying out actions to restore these ecosystems degraded by changes in land use and variations in climate.

Today we want to present the second experience, with the Los Machines Collective and its Colombian High Mountain Living Library.

With the monitoring of biodiversity in the ecological restoration zone, infinite rooms continue to be opened to enter and read the landscape and its ecology. Students from schools, members of the indigenous council and universities in the region learn there.
#nisansaconcepts; #nisansadisciplines, #nisansamethodology

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