Subproject 5
Subproject 5
Challenges of Sustainable Development in Extractive Societies
Large parts of the Global South are characterized by commodity dependencies and can be described as extractivist or even rentier societies. There has been little discussion of the fact that a successful energy transition for the Global North and in general progress in international environmental and climate policy would undermine the economic, social, and political structures especially of these extractivist societies that depend on fossil resources like oil and gas or coal, and bear potential for conflict. This raises questions of the baseline of the so-called ‘just transition’ in countries depended on fossil primary resource exports. So far, economic diversification strategies are considered as the silver bullet to adapt to projected decreasing demand for petroleum or coal. In the past, such strategies have been pursued with great vigor, but with little tangible success. The reasons for the repeated failures are all too often solely attributed to policy failures. In contrast, the research project aims to examine the economic, social, political, and sociocultural persistence of the extractivist development model on a local level in order to subsequently develop alternative pathways towards post-oil futures. In the spirit of recent research on comparative extractivism, the project will study extractive interventions in Ecuador and Colombia and to a lesser degree in Venezuela and Angola carrying out case-specific analyses to systematically compare and gain further insights into the transformation potential of extractivist societies.
Associated Researchers

Nadia Combariza, MSc
University of Gießen

Renata Mantilla
University of Gießen
Associated Young Scholars

Dr. Pedro Alarcón
University of Gießen

Dr. Freddy Michel
Universidad Central del Ecuador

Dr. Natali Cáceres
Universidad Central del Ecuador

Dr. Gabriela Duque
Universidad Central del Ecuador
Associated Young Scholars

Fidel Rodriguez
Universidad Central del Ecuador

Fernando Pinzón
Universidad Central del Ecuador

Jessica Jasmin Arias Acurio
Universidad Central del Ecuador

Dr. Rony Parra
Universidad Central del Ecuador
Student Project Assistant

Gustavo Hernandez C.
Humbold University of Berlin